Janelle A. Kauffman
Video Designer
Janelle A. Kauffman (she/her) has worked on and off with Azuka in various capacities since 2009. Whether designing video for a show, putting together teaser trailers, archival recordings, manning the box office, or working in the office, it's always a joy to be back with Azuka. Since graduating from Drexel in 2012, she has designed video elements for Drexel University, Temple University, Azuka Theatre (Hope Street and Other Lonely Places, 2012), Inis Nua (Trousers, 2014, Ciphers, 2014), Lantern (The Craftsman, 2017) and more. Janelle lives in Jenkintown with her husband, Dan, and two kids, Milo and Sian.
Previously at Azuka:
Hope Street and Other Lonely Places